from Mt. Fuji!
All Day Live Broadcast for the Global Oneness
Summer solstice (June 21st) – be part of a Universal Historic Event!

Many Hearts and Minds around the World Focussing to one Point for Earth to Release the Creative Power from Her Core through the Human into the Heavens, in order to Realize the PLAN to make Earth the PORTAL of PEACE

According to Universal Records the Human and Mother Earth have agreed to TOGETHER create the PORTAL of PEACE to the benefit of entire Creation (the true science can confirm this)

The Preparation to it took millions of years and now the time is upon us to Together REALIZE the PLAN. Earth's role was to contain all the energies which can possible be used to open the Portal, requiring the UNIFIEDs Consciousness to Peacefully Release all of it as One Force from Her Core.
For this reason we need Earth's Surface-stability, WORLD PEACE, not just for the individual to be “comfortable with the discomforts”, to conveniently continue in ignorance, It requires the Human to extend Earth's Out-breath into the greater and higher spheres of Spirit.

Therefore Earth's Core (iron) has to be integrated on her surface, by the BLOOD (derived from FOOD) whereby we can think and make choices, so that the resonance can go beyond the surrounding sphere - with the aid of the Human brain as the steppingstone, from where the Mind can transcend into the higher levels of Universal Consciousness (today's mind-control is food-manipulation based, especially with the distortion of the food that has the complete Memory, the Whole Cereal Grain). 

So far we succeeded to complete the reactionary cycle (December 21st, 2012) without the prophetic massive earth-shifts and related calamities. This year is the first of the next 25800 year cycle and still the massive calamity (along with the release of the nuclear energies which are contained in over 50.000 atom-bombs) can happen unless Earth's inner-tension has been Peaceful released (that the “dark-side” tries to prevent from happening, by way of war and “scientific witchcraft”, including “chemtrails”) - as Earth has come close to be in alignment between the Sun and the Great Central-sun.The true Human can facilitate this peaceful process, because we are Creation in the Human Form, which locates our Heart's centre as the SUN of suns! A most Dynamic Day of Truth has been decided upon to initiate the release of the needed Force for the Collective Ascension - made Practical for having a GLOBAL FOCUS to bring forth the CONSCIOUSNESS that ALL IS ONE. The geographic center of the focus is Japan's Mt. Fuji.

What will happen at Mt Fuji on June 21st!
At Sunrise the Ancestors in Spirit of all nations and all Great Ones of the Infinite Universe will be invited to be present (each nation will be named in ceremony). Then thousands of People from around the world will participate (either at Mt Fuji's base or own location) with the eight hour Oneheart Dance (after the pattern of the Oneheart's Blood circulation; double infinity symbol or “Celtic Knot”). Meanwhile a few will climb to the top of Mt. Fuji to deliver an offering to the Creator and ask Mother Earth to release Her culminated internal energies peacefully into the Heavens and beyond. People around the world are asked to envision what is happening. Also the true Sign of Peace will become official. Not the “V” (two fingers divided) for Victory (initiated by Great Britain's prime minister Winston Churchill – here “victory” implies “making war for peace”) but the two fingers Together from the Heart. Then the official introduction of the Universal Anthem:
Wake Up, Wake Up, Wake Up! Rise with the Rising Sun! Listen to the Heart!
We Are One, We Are One, We Are One!”
Throughout the broadcasting various Messengers of Peace will share their part. The entire event will be broadcasted via . For more information visit . Also print for handouts and bulletin boards. You are asked to continually NETWORK this Event until the last day. REPEAT!

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